way of verse

Memories of Norfolk Island 2021 to 2023

Forever Is Now

This moment is all that exists

In perpetuity

Expanding exponentially

You into more you, bigger you, vast Youness

Godliness resides within individuated spaciousness

Never ending timelessness

In the nanosecond of now.

Morning Meditation

Between the in/out of breathing

In the gap of exhale/inhale

Eons of emptiness arise

The gap one thousand miles wide

A million miles long

Containing all and nothing

Paradox sitting on a pinhead

Embracing the betwixt/between

Epochs in a microsecond

Mind laying in the rubble and ruin

Of self proclaimed ;hubris and hilarity

Heart Beings

sssshhhhh … index finger to lips … sssshhhhhh

hear the sea

feel warm sand beneath your feet

follow inner waves of light love bliss to drip, drip drip honey nectar

brain to heart, pineal to ventricle, pituitary to cells

Exhaling body bliss from your boundaryless skin to air, rock, sand and sky

Radiating, broadcasting from inner fulcrum points to outer wind current to all and everywhere

Dragons Calling

Do you hear dragons hissing and spitting down the necks of those in the abyss?

Do you see angelic dragons slipstreaming Godforce?

Dragon riders on their backs; the quintessence of love and compassion

Awake and aware

Abiding in liminal states where myth is reality

Where mermaids and unicorns manifest mind expanded broadband of receptivity transmitting all manner of plasma charged once exiled truths and ways of beings.

Dakini Breeze

Dakini breeze. That’s what she called her many years ago. A breath of fresh air.

I’m sure there are numerous Dakini breezes drifting on the wings of change.

In Tibetan Buddhism a Dakini is a sky walker, a shapeshifter, feminine and ethereal Unseen for the most part, getting up to all sorts of good mischief in the lives of mortal beings.

If the to-ing and fro-ing leaves of the banana tree didn’t have roots surely they would break and walk with me – to the blue cold ocean or fly to the sky as my thoughts often do.

When an author writes the unexpected I find I’m taken high to the sky to drift on current of newness and provocative juxtaposition.

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