When Witches Were Burned

Were you there too?
So was I
We burned in our screams
At insane injustice

We were simple women
Of the Land
Herbs, flowers,
Plants for healing
We loved Earth, Gaia, Terra
With all our hearts

She fed us, warmed us, buried us too
Remember the times we were buried alive - a truth for another time
The Sun our friend
The Rain our life
The Soil our grace
The Wind our wisdom

We mourn victims and oppressors
Evil has deadened within

Really, we are one and the same
Playing games of destruction, suffering, and immense pain
Until we wake up and protect each others hearts, we will destroy Terra with terror

Buckle up buttercups
The final war is here
The prize your soul, your mind, and body.

Do you not know the angels are here!
The divine walk amongst us annointing the open, the fair,
the meek and the kind-hearted

Gold arises within the cracks
The spaces in between
The places we are missing in action
Awaiting transmutation

The Golden Dragons swept us from the flames
Returing to the arms of the Divine

It’s Tine
We Are Stars

Art by Kaila


  1. Oh my gosh Kaila – fabulous poem – thank you. Yes – I was there – once and long ago yet only ‘yesterday’!

    So great that you wrote this inspirational ‘memory-poem’ because yes I resonated amazingly with it. Loved the style, the imagery, the emotion. You are a ‘painter’ with words as well as colour.

    Thank you.



  2. Hi Kaila, I love this poem. Recently watched a doco called ‘The Burning Times’ on Prime. It was made back in 1990 but is still very thought provoking and relevant. Lisa X


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